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Virtual Class Members

Steps for joining ADR's Virtual Classes


1) Download the Zoom App to your phone, iPad, or PC:



2) Click the highlighted "Join Zoom Meeting" link to join the class.


3) See you in class!

Schedule Summary


Mondays: Zumba Fitness (5:00), Salsa Footwork at (6:00), Ladies Styling (7:00)

Tuesdays: Salsa Partnering (6:00), Mambo on 2 (7:00)

Wednesdays: Strong Nation by Zumba (7:00 AM), Zumba Fitness (5:00),

Body Isolation & Movements (6:00), Bachata Partner & Footwork (7:00)

Thursdays: Special workshops - check Facebook and website 

Fridays: Strong Nation by Zumba (5:30)

- Saturdays: No class -

Sundays: Strong Nation by Zumba (4:00)


Monday Classes


* Zumba Fitness @ 5:00 PM *


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 0103 2661




* Salsa Footwork @ 6:00 PM *


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Meeting ID: 878 9235 2015


* Ladies Styling @ 7:00 PM *


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 9009 2192




Tuesday Classes


* Salsa Partnering @ 6:00 PM *


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 3846 7222


* Mambo On 2 @ 7:00 PM *


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 0158 9474



Wednesday Classes


* Strong Nation By Zumba @ 7:00 AM *


_Join Zoom Meeting_

Or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 219 831 4848



* Zumba Fitness @ 5:00 PM *



Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 0103 2661





Friday Classes


* Strong Nation By Zumba @ 5:30 PM *


_Join Zoom Meeting_

Or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 219 831 4848


Sunday Classes


* Strong Nation By Zumba @ 4:00 PM *


_Join Zoom Meeting_

Or copy and paste the following URL into your browser:

Meeting ID: 219 831 4848

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